App Friday October 1st, 2021

This week, the Mathboard helps kids practice and get help with elementary school math with a focus on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with a huge number of customization options to tailor the app to the individual child. After math practice, take a moment to relax and breath while exploring nature and the seasons with the beautiful Mountain’s Diary.

Developer: PalaSoftware Inc.
Price: $4.99

By PalaSoftware Inc.

Mathboard is a highly customizable math quiz app with a problem solver to help students learn how to solve equations. It covers the usual addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, but also squares, cubes, and square roots. You can customize the operators used, the size of the numbers, the use of negative numbers, whether to use multiple choice, number input or voice input, and much more. Notably, kids can access a scratch area on the chalkboard where they can work through the problem, or even request that the app take them through the steps of solving a particular question, if the question involves addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. Once they complete a quiz, they get feedback, and the option to repeat the quiz, or repeat only the questions that were incorrectly answered. Mathboard has a no-nonsense wood and chalkboard interface that focusses on the math. It has been continuously updated to support newer technologies such as split view, Apple Pencil, keyboards, and speech input, and provides highly customizable math practice for elementary level students.

‎Mountain's Diary
‎Mountain's Diary
Developer: Yang Zhou
Price: $0.99

Mountain’s Diary
By Saturday Innovation Ltd.

Mountain’s Diary follows a mountain through spring, summer, fall and winter. Each of the four seasons has its own screen with beautiful and lush, stylized illustrations. A narrator describes (without written words) what happens around the mountain with the animals, plants and weather, and then children are invited to explore the area by tapping and triggering animations related to what they just heard. Mountain’s Diary is a simple, but incredibly beautiful app for younger kids. The app is available in English and Mandarin and is ad supported with an in-app purchases to remove ads.

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