App Friday November 9th, 2018

Happy App Friday!

Older kids can learn about the periodic table and the molecules in action all around us with the Science Bundle from Touch Press Inc, while younger ones can play with letters and words to create magic in Lexi’s World this week. Plus, an app out of Clemson University that claims to improve the lives of those with intellectual disabilities.

Garry Froehlich 
Jellybean Tunes

‎The Elements in Action
‎The Elements in Action
‎Molecules by Theodore Gray
‎Molecules by Theodore Gray

The Science Bundle
by Touch Press Inc.

We usually see a lot of early learning apps (which are a natural fit for touchscreens) so it is exciting to see a bundle aimed at older kids and even adults. The Science Bundle consists of 3 separate apps. The Elements presents an encyclopedic view of every known element with facts and interactive pictures. The Elements in Action acts as an extension of The Elements with video content for each element. Finally, Molecules is the most impressive app with an extensive introduction to molecules and interesting concepts in chemistry, such as how does soap work. Being able to interact with some of the molecules, see them move, and realize that they are much more dynamic than the static images we see in textbooks, is a perfect use of technology. All three apps have great production values, and come discounted in the bundle. Now excuse me while I go sing the elements song.

‎Lexi's World
‎Lexi's World
Developer: Pop Pop Pop LLC
Price: Free+

Lexi’s World
by Pop Pop Pop LLC

Tap a letter on the keyboard in Lexi’s World to discover words. The letters will lead you, step by step, to spell out complete words. When the word is spelled, an animation of the word magically pops up – ready for interaction. With Lexi’s World, children can play with letters without pressure and uncover meanings as the words form through to completion. For example, what will the letter B spell? Tap it to find out. Check out the tips on the developer’s version notes in the app store to discover fun animation combinations. Lexi’s World is $2.99 and is designed especially for young children and families.

Study Finds Smartphone App May Be the Best Job Aid for People with Intellectual Disabilities

TaskAnalysisLite is an app developed at Clemson University to “provide practical, real-world assistance to help people with intellectual disabilities maintain employment and live independently.“ Essentially it presents a task as a series of steps with support for images, audio and video in addition to text.

“The app has made a major difference for students like Frankie Antonelli, a current student in the ClemsonLIFE program who has incorporated the app into both his academic and personal life. Antonelli’s mother, Deb, first encountered the app in spring 2017 when she visited her son in Clemson. “I saw him immediately take to the app and follow the steps really well,” she said. “Creativity kicked in for me; I started to think about all the different applications for this technology and how it could benefit him.”

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