App Friday: Every Download Counts


Apple has scheduled an announcement for next week. It sounds like there will be a new iPhone, and maybe a new (smaller) iPad, but we won’t know for sure until September 12th. In the meantime, independent developers are eager to get their apps into your hands. There has been speculation that as the app market grows, the landscape gets more competitive, and our community of developers will somehow get squashed into oblivion. I disagree.

I’ve spent the last few years getting to know the most dedicated people in the kids’ app industry. Every Friday, many come forward with their best possible deals, in exchange for your downloads and word of mouth marketing. So far, you have all done a terrific job. Over 25,000 people are reached each week through social media. Over 35,000 visitors check out the blog each month. And over “25” on the charts is where we like to see the participating apps on their featured App Friday date.

So the App Store can get as crowded as it wants to get. But I’m not going to let any of those “extra” apps get in my way. I’m going to stay focused right here, giving this group of educational app developers my attention and my downloads.


P.S. Once you are viewing the apps, click on the icons to read the app store description. I urge you to understand the features in the app before making it available in the home or classroom. Most deals revert back to regular pricing by 8pm US Pacific Time on Friday, unless extended by the developer.

P.P.S. If you want to connect LIVE with our global audience of app enthusiasts, join us at 10:00 am San Francisco and Paris time on Friday September 7th on the App Friday Facebook Page.

P.P.P.S. If you want to leave your app in the link exchange below, please do!

3 Replies to “App Friday: Every Download Counts”

  1. Hi Lorraine,

    Wonderful introduction to this week’s App Friday. It reminds me that my fate is in my own hands, and that it is up to all of us to grow the best and strongest community we can!


  2. Great words, Lorraine 🙂

    I totally believe in our community. As long as we’ll keep it high-profile & with clear goals, we’ll be able to keep away the low-quality apps & distinguish ourselves from others.

    Competition is good & if you have a high quality product & some faith, you’ll make it!

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