The Three Pandas: Developers Who Connect with a Social Cause

This week Valerie of See Here Studios discusses “Cause Marketing”, which is when businesses cooperate with non-profits on charitable causes. This case study illustrates the mutual benefits between a panda conservation organization and app developer. What starts with an app, doesn’t always end with an app. Valerie thought differently, and it’s making an impact. 

When See Here Studios started production on our storybook app “The Three Pandas,” we knew that we wished to donate a portion of the proceeds to a panda conservation organization. It seemed like a natural thing to do, and we also hoped to create marketing and educational tie-ins that would raise awareness of both our company and the cause of the Giant Panda. The rest of this blog post will discuss the process of turning this idea into a reality.

First, we researched environmental and panda-specific conservation organizations working in the field. Of course, we identified a variety of organizations, both large and small, in the U.S. and internationally. We vetted their organizational professionalism and health through their websites and current activities. In this process, we discovered some groups were no longer active, or lacked a consistent presence. Once we narrowed down the list to our “Top 5”, we approached them via direct email. We introduced ourselves and expressed our intention to donate ten percent of proceeds from “The Three Pandas” to a panda conservation nonprofit, and inquired if this would be of interest to their organization.

Most of the nonprofits wrote back to us, and we discovered that some of the larger organizations required a minimum donation of several tens of thousands of dollars! Clearly, these larger nonprofits focused on collaborating with large corporate sponsors, which makes total sense from their point of view. But as independent app developers, we aren’t quite to the level of Nike or Coca-Cola yet, so obviously that wasn’t going to work.

Thankfully, we also received an immediate reply from a grassroots organization named Pandas International. This organization was started by two individuals, Suzanne Braden and Diane Reeves. In 1999, after a trip to China and the Wolong Panda Center, the sight and plight of the Giant Panda made such a dramatic impression on them that upon returning to the United States, they co-founded Pandas International to help save this magnificent animal. They formed an official 501c3 nonprofit in Colorado and gradually turned their passion for pandas into their full-time work. They have an extensive grassroots membership, a dedication to educating children about pandas, and direct relationships with panda conservation centers in China. It was a perfect fit!

We emailed back-and-forth with their Public Relations Director, Andrea Muller, and quickly figured out the details. In this process, we built the foundation of a positive collaboration through lots of mutual encouragement, open idea-sharing and support.

We decided to work together in multiple ways:

  • To donate ten percent of our app proceeds to Pandas International;
  • To include an “About Pandas” page in the app itself, with educational information about pandas and a weblink button to learn more about Pandas International;
  • To cross-promote “The Three Pandas” storybook and our donation collaboration through our respective email newsletter lists, Twitter, Facebook Pages and websites, thereby greatly expanding the marketing reach of the app.

The collaboration has been a satisfying win-win, both in terms of fundraising and in terms of marketing. It has also led to new, unexpected connections with others in the conservation field. For example, one of the board members of Pandas International, Aleisha Caruso, is also the host of a reality web-TV show in Australia called “Extinction Sucks!” The show engages the power and creativity of young adults to fight species extinction. We’re exploring ways to possibly include “The Three Pandas” book in a future episode of the show.

The benefits of collaborating with a nonprofit organization goes beyond charity – it also opens up possibilities for new creative ideas, inspirations and connections. This meeting of the minds that can be rewarding in a myriad of ways, while providing the satisfaction of contributing to the larger community and a better future. And that feeling is priceless!

6 Replies to “The Three Pandas: Developers Who Connect with a Social Cause”

  1. Conratulations on a wonderful idea! Helping a good cause, educating kids about the pandas, and getting more exposure for your app. Win, win, win!

    Good work!

  2. We THANK YOU! Making the world a better place with your adorable creation – while in turn helping those adorable creatures of black & white! We appreciate your gesture of creative goodwill!

  3. I loved reading this article – and I downloaded your app quite a while ago because of your “cause-benefiting” focus. Our app is eco-educational and helps fund park revitalizations and programs connecting kids with nature. You executed beautifully and I am always so happy when my kids open up to engage with The Three Pandas. It’s become a great conversation starter. Kudos to you!

  4. Recently, I’ve been looking into doing something like this with our apps. My understanding is that we are not allowed to say that you are donating proceeds in your app store description or within your app. However, I see that your app description says you donate 10%. Have the rules changed, am I confused, or did you just sneak it past the Apple reviewer?

  5. Thanks for all your supportive comments & feedback!! We’re very happy to hear that the app is being enjoyed and starting conversations about pandas and the environment.
    Justin, in terms of your question, I’m not sure what the official policy is, but we haven’t had a problem with it. If we were told to remove the information, we would of course omit it in the app description but continue to promote it on our website, press releases, etc….all the other vehicles which we use to promote the app.

  6. Having traveled to China three times and saw the panda bears on my birthday, a day when I was very ill myself, I have a strong affinity to Pandas International. I don’t make much on my photo exhibits, but I always donate 50% to this incredible non-profit group. This past summer I gave a number of presentations to young children on the plight of the pandas. Pandas International backed me with incredible educational & promotional information. My goal was simple, no marketing or sales pitch, just spread the word as best I could.

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