Our Forum

Almost a year ago, Moms With Apps developers started collaborating about family-friendly apps over a Google Groups email list. But as the membership and the industry grew, email conversations also grew, and great ideas were getting buried in our in-boxes.

Scott Weiner (creator of “A Family Matters” app by Weiner Family Studios) proposed migrating to a forum where our community of parent developers could categorize, archive, and search their conversations. After a month of user testing, we are ready to take it live. Thank you Scott for taking us to the next level of collaboration! This platform has enabled in-depth discussions and creative ideas that will power a new wave of family-friendly apps.

To better understand why we’re so excited about the new forum, it helps to know a little more about the Moms With Apps community and how we work together.


Most of us are parents who have our own family-friendly app in the iTunes App Store. We are independent developers with lots of ideas, and we value knowledge sharing and information exchange in hopes of building better apps.


We currently have three main objectives: 1) To provide collaborative support for independent, family-focused developers in the mobile app market; 2) To provide a resource to parents and educators seeking apps; 3) To advocate healthy intersections of kids & family with technology (i.e., we view technology as an interactive tool, and not as a screen to hide behind).


We want technology to be a tool for participating in more of what life has to offer, not less. If parents can be successful at creating apps (the same parents who have in-depth knowledge of what type of content is helpful for their kids and family), then more families can benefit from a wider variety of family-tested apps.


We use the power of networking and social media to tell our audience about our apps. By linking to each other and joining networks, we publicize primarily through blogging, Facebook, Twitter.


This is where the forum comes in. To coordinate the content for our blog, launch App Friday, and exchange ideas on app development and marketing, we collaborate in our new forum (now on Facebook: https://blog.momswithapps.com/2012/06/23/growth-in-developer-communities/).


If you are an individual, independent, family-friendly app developer with your own app on the iTunes App Store, and you are eager to share your experience, then consider joining our developer forum. We have a registration page with a few requirements, and if you have any questions, just write an email to Lorraine and she would be happy to help you out: lorraineakemann@gmail.com.

14 Replies to “Our Forum”

  1. Hi there!

    I’ve worked in educational publishing for the last 14 years and finally decided to create my own little educational print production and design studio with an emphasis on bringing families together. We like to say that we combine “technology and whimsy” into our products.

    We just started making our own original iPad apps this year- the first one being “Pumpkin Pad” for Halloween, and the second just released, “Christmas Belles” a musical holiday app. We also have a few interactive storybooks in the works, one hopefully coming out late this month!

    Here’s a free iPad download code for Christmas Belles: =)

    I have a ton of ideas for a series of games that parents can use to spend time with their kids while also having fun- Our company is always looking for other people to collaborate with. I was really excited to come across your site and learn more about your company. It’s wonderful! I’d love to be included in your developer’s list, and be included in any events or promotional things you might have going on.

    I’m very passionate about using technology for learning and creativity in this new digital age! I first learned to read with my dad by reading the Sunday comics. Nowadays, with so many digital mobile devices it’s easy to be distracted and lose track of that precious bonding time. It’s easy to pass an iPad or iPhone off to your child to “keep them busy”. I want parents to be as engaged with stories and games as their kids. I’m hoping Robots and Cupcakes can find that niche to be there.

    I hope you enjoy our app- Please let me know if you need any more information on our app, or our company.

    Thanks so much for your time!
    Sharon Reid

    Robots and Cupcakes, LLC

  2. Sorry for the delay (lost luggage) but I wanted to thank all of you for sharing with us at the I CAN conference in San Diego. Sharing your information and for those who received APPS it was great. It was exciting meeting people at the conference. I didn’t know about your group and hope to share it with other parents I work with. I am a speech pathologist and special education specialist. I learn a lot from my parents and sharing with others. Thanks again and I hope to be part of your group. Best Wishes, Renee

  3. Hello iPod, iPhone, and iPad users,

    During NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) week
    April 13 – 17, all the McGraw-Hill Everyday Math apps will be free (usually they are $1.99ea). Download them while you can 🙂

    Top-it Subtraction
    Top-it Addition
    Equivalent Fractions
    Name that Number
    Monster Mash
    Beat the Computer
    Divisibility Dash

  4. Have any of you done any Droid apps? I’m a bit saddened to see that most of what’s here are Iphone apps. I hope some of you will consider Droid apps as well. Thank you.

  5. hello everyone,

    we have created another educational iPhone/iPad game for toddlers iSmarty.
    Adapted better one matching game for children from 1.5 to 3 years.

    We are grateful for the feedback and comments for the game


    here is some promo codes

  6. Hi,
    I am considering creating children’s book apps. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading through your website! I have a couple of questions that I hope someone might answer for me.
    First, I am searching for a VERY BASIC illustration software to help me get started. I am not an artist, so I definitely need help in that area.
    Second, I checked out a website called “Pubbsoft” (Talespring). Do any of you have experience and advice on using it?
    Thank you so much for any help!

  7. Hello there, just a bit off-topic but I have a issue always keeping my teenage son off Facebook when they really should be studying!!! Any recommendations besides unplugging their computer would be terrific! I experimented with some web browser extensions but they kept using a different browser and they are far more computer savvy then me unfortunately 🙁

  8. Hi Everyone,

    Im a new mom and as you can expect, managing a baby and my finances was taking a toll on me. My husband and I decided to make an app that could help us better track where our money was being spent. We would really appreciate it if you could take a moment to check it out and give us some feedback.

    The development of MoneyMapper is intended to offer a flexible, simple means of mapping where you’ve spent your money.
    MoneyMapper has two goals: to make sure you completely understand your spending habits and to track your cash expenses as they happen. This App works by allowing you to manually enter all transactions, making the app ideal if you’re concerned about revealing your accounts. It does NOT sync with any of your bank accounts. MoneyMapper tracks where and when you spend cash using sophisticated advanced algorithms and geolocation technologies to accurately set your location. It makes budgeting easy and enjoyable with its simple and beautifully designed interface and best of all, its free! Let smart budgeting begin

  9. Very nearly a year prior, Mothers With Applications designers began working together about family-accommodating applications over a Google Gatherings email list. In any case, as the enrollment and the business developed, email discussions additionally developed, and good thoughts were getting covered in our in-boxes. Its a topic related to designers and developers there are many people who are archive to informative information for this and I read all comments their users write with great information and that’s why share to this on creative…

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