10 Steps For Building Your Best Resume

If you haven’t guessed by now, one of my favorite apps for moms is the BlogHer.com website, network, conference, and mobile app! As I prepare to host the Resume Building Open Lab at BlogHer16, I created this checklist to outline 10 steps for building your best resume. Read along or come join the fun!

Resume Building Checklist

1. Track your work

Did you know that LinkedIn offers diverse categories to input your experience, such as volunteer work, languages, and certifications? You don’t have to be in the formal workforce to actively build a professional profile. Professional experience can be gained by managing projects, writing, speaking, or volunteering in your community. Keep track of what you do!

2. Proofread your resume

Have you had another person read your resume? If you don’t have another person around, have you read your resume backwards? Despite many opinions on the ideal resume, one universal truth is that resumes cannot have typos.

3. Choose a format that is easy to update

Whether your resume is created from an online tool, or from an app, or with a graphic template, or from a text document, one of the most important tasks is to ensure that the resume meets the needs of the job opening. This means a resume may require several iterations during a job search. Choose a tool you can update easily to get those submissions flowing.

4. Use strong action words

When describing work experience, do the phrases start with strong action words? To find out, print your resume and underline each action word. Then search Best Action Words For Resume and click through the results to get more ideas. I like the word lists from Time and Forbes.

5. Quantify accomplishments

Look at the two phrases below (from an article in Forbes) and choose which phrase sounds better. The second example is stronger because it provides evidence to underscore accomplishments. Reread your resume and quantify accomplishments where possible.

1) Managed a budget to plan large-scale events for students

2) Managed $12,000 budget to plan large-scale events for 2,500 students

6. Identify keywords by reading job descriptions carefully

Reading job descriptions is essential preparation for writing a focused resume. Does the work experience in your resume address the job description requirements? Or, have you stepped back and thought about your main sets of skills? Are you applying for jobs that match your strengths?

7. Understand applicant tracking systems

Some companies manage resume submissions electronically with software called applicant tracking systems. By understanding how these systems work, you’ll gain more confidence about the best way to create a resume. Simple formatting, accurate keywords, and no PDFs seem to be standard suggestions for resumes that make it through applicant tracking systems. For more tips, read this article from CIO Magazine.

8. Keep filenames organized

Applying to different companies may require optimizing your resume for each submission. Keep filenames organized by establishing a naming convention for each resume version. I keep a master version, and then save iterations with name_date_company in the filename.

9. Secure references

What good is a great resume if you don’t have a great reference? How can you prove that you did great work? Keep in touch with people you’ve worked for, and remember to wrap up projects with exit interviews, mutual LinkedIn endorsements, and reference requests.

10. Don’t get overwhelmed

Diving into resume writing will stir up hundreds of tools and resources. Try not to get paralyzed in the process. Different sources may offer different opinions on the rules of resume writing. Ease up, and chart the course that gives you the most confidence.

Reach out if you’d like some moral support during the process. Networking is a key part of the game! — @LorraineAkemann

Lorraine Akemann | Co-Founder and Editor | Moms With Apps

Photo credit Flickr [Mickaël MÉNARD]

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