Rejected by Apple? You’re Not Alone.



App submissions to the new kids’ category on the iTunes App Store are undergoing intense scrutiny. As described in this earlier post, new review guidelines require “parental gates” for any links that take a user outside of the app or for features intended for commerce. This <<could>> mean functions like Rate This App, Visit Our Website, or Buy This Thing need to be in a specific “For Parents” section, and roadblocked by something more than a simple tap of the screen. What methods are being accepted? What methods are being rejected? It’s a time of trial and error, resulting in a lot of guesswork from developers. So if you’re app has been rejected recently, I’m just writing to say that you’re not alone.

We are starting to track case studies in our Facebook Developer Exchange. If you are a kids’ app developer and want to join the conversation, email me at and I’ll send you an invitation (it’s a private group).

Data is being compiled by Sara Kloek of the Association for Competitive Technology. Sara represents kids’ app developers in Washington DC, and she advocates for folks like us who need clear answers to move forward on making great content for kids and families.

Sara Kloek @actonline