Did That Tweet Make A Difference?

This image is our Word Cloud from the #appfriday hashtag on Twitter. It represents over 251 raw tweets from 58 twitter accounts, all talking about family-friendly apps during the week of App Friday May 25th. This data was collected by Scott Traylor of 360kid.com. It’s called the Tweet Report, and I’m riveted.

We’ve run the App Friday program for over two years. Are these tweets making a difference? Are they selling apps? Are they encouraging developers to make great apps? Are they letting parents and teachers know that Fridays are great days for downloading apps?

Well, given that all of these people are tweeting about #appfriday…



And all of these hashtags are being discussed during #appfriday…



I doubt it’s a wasted effort.

Twitter is a live conversation with others who share your interests. If the conversation starts with compelling content, and follows with coordination and consistency among a group of people, enough momentum should surface to spur “action”.

Whether that “action” is an app sale, or just a heightened awareness of family-friendly apps, the sheer existence of the conversation keeps pushing those actions forward.

A single tweet may not seem like much in isolation, but when you factor in some context, it could go a long way.

5 Replies to “Did That Tweet Make A Difference?”

  1. Great stuff! & well done for Scott for piling all this up.

    Looking forward to participate the next #appfriday ‘festive’.

  2. Thanks for taking the time to do this . It’s really helpful and easier for iHelpSNkids to help share and stay connected

  3. tweets and app Friday do make a difference. We ran a promotion on app friday for a new app and only promoted through Facebook/app Friday, link exchange, and tweets in reference to app friday. Here are the click to download results using our bit.ly link (these do not represent links used by others that forwarded the tweets)

    http://www.facebook.com/ appfriday 
111 clicks
    Tweets @appfriaday 56 clicks
 29 clicks

  4. Yes, contact Scott Traylor at 360kid.com. It comes with referenced URLs, and data divided out by day and amount of tweets. –Lorraine

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